Welcome to Cards and Castles 2!

Patch notes, news and other announcements
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Welcome to Cards and Castles 2!

Post by Vontre »

We are so excited to finally launch this game! Things are just getting started, so enjoy some games and join our community Discord for updates on where we're headed. There's a lot more to come!
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New Player Update!

Post by Vontre »

So hey, we realized that even though players start Cards and Castles 2 with a lot of cards and access to legendaries, they don’t have as many card packs as we’d like. Opening card packs is fun and we’d like players to be able to start the game off by opening a nice amount of them at once. So we’ve updated the tutorial rewards to give all new players 20 card packs over the 3 introductory missions. Since we don’t want players who’ve already started to feel left out, we’ve ALSO quietly awarded 20 card packs to everyone already playing! Note you may need to restart your client for the card packs to appear. Enjoy!
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Post-Launch Gameplay Patch

Post by Vontre »

Hello everyone! We've just finished deploying an important post-launch gameplay update for all players. This update makes a number of card changes to help players keep their hands more full during gameplay, especially focusing on a lack of draw power in the core set. This patch REQUIRES a client update, so please RESTART STEAM to force a client update. A complete list of patch changes will be posted shortly to our community Discord!
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Minor Gameplay update

Post by Vontre »

The following small adjustments have been made as part of an overall effort to improve the new player experience:
A new card has been added to the game! Spirit Blast is a 3 gold ninja spell that deals 2 damage and draws a card.
Hawk: Attack increased to 3.
Salahar Soldier: Stats flipped to 2/3.
Bearhog: Stats changed to 2/3.
Spear of Odin: Cost reduced to 2, and buff changed to +1/+2.
Dwarf Paladin now allows the player to choose 1 of 3 knights instead of drawing one from your deck.
Fist of the Five Gods, Storm Weapon: Now simply give chain lightning at the END of the turn, rather than depleting actions.
Winds of the North: Cost reduced to 2.
Berserker: Stats changed to 3/6.
Fixed a bug in the interaction between Eternal Life and effects that reward a killing blow.
Fixed a bug where spell cards added to your hand through some means would not immediately receive the courthouse debuff.
The bonus from multiple Halls of Frost buildings now stack multiplicatively
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Interface and Tutorial Update

Post by Vontre »

Tutorial mission #1 has been completely redone.
Replays have moved to the Player Profile menu.
Players can now access Practice bots quickly from the Battle popup.
Summoning peasants, and using some other abilities, now requires less clicks.
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Major Gameplay Patch

Post by Vontre »

Hello everyone! We’ve just deployed a major gameplay patch that addresses a lot of feedback and gameplay improvements at once. Keep in mind, all changed cards can be disenchanted for full crafting value for a period of time after the patch. For a complete list of patch notes, check our community discord!
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Minor Balance Hotfix

Post by Vontre »

We've just deployed a minor server balance hotfix intended to slightly tone down swarm agro decks. Our intent here is to smooth out a select few value outliers in the early curve, while also pumping up some of the AOE options. We've been considering the AOE changes for a while and now is a good time to pull the trigger on that. Here are the changes:

Man the Cannons: Cost reduced to 5.
Witch Doctor: Cost reduced to 4.
Wyvern Rider: Cost increased to 6.
Sensei: Bonus reduced to +1/+1.
Nunchuk Nun: Stats reduced to 1/2.
Cockatrice: HP reduced to 1.
Yaarhym Lightning: Damage increased to 3.
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Minor Gameplay Update

Post by Vontre »

Hello everyone, we just deployed a minor gameplay update which changes around a few cards, consolidates our card packs, and significantly changes the shop. We recommend all players force an update of the Steam client as soon as possible so that your client is synchronized with the patch changes. For more information, check the Patch Notes in our community discord!
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Minor Balance Hotfix

Post by Vontre »

We've updated a few cards, mostly to curtail a few situations where games could end excessively early with no real response from the opponent.

Baby Dino: Summoned Raptor no longer has berserk, instead it attacks once immediately.
Call of the Wild: Now costs 5 gold, but also adds two random Beasts to your hand.
Fist of the Five Gods: Cost increased to 6.
Yennaroth: Now only frostbites enemies. Cost increased to 10. Note: Yennaroth will not receive the changed card discount because it is obtained for free in the new player starting collection.
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Bug Fixing Patch

Post by Vontre »

We've just deployed a patch that fixes several gameplay bugs. If you are playing right now, please restart Steam to force your client to update as soon as possible so that your game can synchronize with the server. Thank you!
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